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Ukas Urørt (U44) Captain Credible

Han har en hær av hjemmelagde synther, schizofrene effektbokser og epileptiske roboter. Sjekk ut det mest vanvittige intervjuet i Urørt-historien her.


Urørt mener:

"Liker du Aphex Twin, miami bass og synes Crystal Castles er pokker så friskt? Da vil du trolig elske "Golden Spaceship vs Zombie Aliens". Captain Credible pirker i deg med Nintendo-skalpell og banker deg avgårde med tunge miami bass-trommer."

Innholdet som skulle vises her støttes dessverre ikke lenger.

Trykk på 'pil ned' til høyre i playeren for å laste ned.

MER OM: Captain Credible-profil på Urørt

Bak navnet Captain Credible, og ikke minst - hauger av hjemmelagde effektbokser, schizofrene synther og roboter med epilepsi skjuler Daniel Lacey-McDermott seg. Han har britiske gener og utgjør også halvparten av den snart plateaktuelle duoen Orangebox.

Nevnte vi at han bygger utstyret sitt fra scratch selv?


Da Urørt ba om intervju glemte vi en viktig presisering. Vi kom tydeligvis i skade for å be om intervju med karakteren Captain Credible, og ikke Daniel Lacey-McDermott selv. Da måtte det gå som det gikk...

Hør radio-intervjuet med Captain Credible her:

Innholdet som skulle vises her støttes dessverre ikke lenger.

Her følger det noe spesielle, og ikke så rent lite underholdene, Urørt-intervjuet:

- Hvor lenge har du holdt på med musikk?

- I have been documenting my escapades into the unknown for near a decade now. Dr. Testicles and myself have long since abandoned the use of primitive tools such as pencils, pens, paper and goats blood to log our outlandishly exciting adventures. We have built a neural interface device which extracts pure fact from the very deepest core of our memory banks. Thus eliminating any doubt that our documentation is 100% correct.

Captain Credible

- Når startet du som Captain Credible?

- Aaaahhh, aaaaahhh. I remember the good old days, shooting little elephants on the plains of the Serengeti. The natives had of course tied them to trees to make them easier to hit and we'd bought bloody expensive rifles so we weren't going to waste our time not killing elephants. The short answer however would be somewhere around march '08.

- Hvordan var overgangen fra Orangebox til Captain Credible?

- I wasn't sure what to answer here so my dear friend, Dr. Testicles, set fire to a yoghurt pot, and I inhaled the fumes hoping that it would clarify the situation. Ah dear old Dr. T always using his immense knowledge of dairy product combustion to enhance every situation for the better. You see, it's not a transition, it's merely an addition.

Captain Credible

- Hva er historien bak "Golden Spaceship"?

- Ahh, Interesting, The song as you hear it here on this vast expanse of interconnected tubes we call the internet, is in fact reconstructed from a heavily distorted distress signal from sector alpha plural Z. It turns out, I sent it back in time to myself from the future to warn my future self of the imminent danger and perilous anguish I should expect from those Zombie Alien Bastards. And I was very lucky to stumble across this transmission when I was particularly spaced out on household cleaning products and playing with the dial on our stereo radio receptromaticon X. Did you know that in Kentucky it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that is more than six feet long?

- Kan du forklare litt om Captain Credible-universet?

- Hmm, you seem to be implying that the so called "Captain Credible-universe" is in some way inferior to your so called "non-Captain Credible-universe". When in fact, our universe is a bit bigger than yours, and also we have an extra colour - it's called ORBZ, and it is extremely pretty. Not unlike most universes ours is wracked with eccentric criminals with stupid names like Professor Boron, Mr. DeathFace and Dr. Doom that frequently commit parking offences and loiter to the annoyance and inconvenience of the Senate.

- I make it my chore to de-wrack our universe of these perpetrators of unlawful activities. Did you know that the English language has no word for the back of the knee, yet there are approximately two words for the front of the same knee? It would be happening all the time if it weren't for people like me I tell you!

Captain Credible på Pstereo-festivalen
Foto: Henning Severud / NRK

- Hvordan går du frem når du lager Credible-musikk?

- I simply fill my mind with legal toxins and enter the "ZONE". I boot up my highly mechanical hand woven audio machinery and set it to maximum overdrive. Instantaneously the machinery broadcasts a stereoscopic brainwave signal that enslaves almost 500 miniature children in dark basements at computer parties across the world. Fuelled only on green tea and heroin they produce the finest silky soft screams that then undergo vigorous testing before they are inserted into windows movie maker, where I do all my programming.

- Hva er det mest interessante som har skjedd i karrieren så langt?

- I was once shot in the face by a drunken baboon in the village of Bhatnagar, but that was nothing compared to the time I played a concert for the lovely people at the Trondheim School of Architecture. Their souls glowed so happily with joy and understanding. I was told repeatedly by what seemed to be their tribe leader that the music I was so gently tickling their ears with was un-danceable. Haha, hah.

- Live har du blitt en liten snakkis, fortell litt om opplegget?

- When I play concerts, I always bring along my trusty friend Roger the Robotic Robobot. He is a small Robot that plays the drums for me such that I might concentrate on screaming at the nebulon core transducer (the microphone). I also use an enhanced opto-dimensional audio-video disruptron (an old 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment system (European version (with cigarette burns on it)) to mesmerise the audience into accepting, and ultimately propagating, my political views. Then I wave my limbs around at an increasing speed until they either fall off or I am satisfied that everybody has fully appreciated the effort I've gone to. "WHOT!!" I scream, but to no avail. I may accidentally reap your soul and sell it on eBay.

- All in all a Captain Credible concert is an epileptic party where you're the birthday boy and I'm some kind of crazy guy that's broken into your house where you where going to have a quiet evening with some friends, but I've got all these machines and shit that I'm just going mental with, and you try to abstain but you can't quite help being curiously aroused and you attempt to dance a little but then aliens land and eat everybody, oh bollocks.

- Hva er inspirasjonskildene dine?

- I am inspired by legal toxins. Oh and my previous life when I was a ten foot tall murdering robot. Me and my murdering robot friends would get really stoned and then go out and "convert" the local natives to christianity. It was a laugh. The few that survived though, did claim to believe in the celestial unity of Richard D. James (a.k.a. Aphex Twin), Tom Jenkinson (Squarepusher) and of course God. The two most important factors in music are originality, surprise, and a ruthless devotion to the Pope.

Kredibelt og hjemmelaget utstyr
Foto: Henning Severud / NRK

- Hva er den største skandalen du har vært borti?

- I was once repairing my laptop when I accidentally poured 26 litres of petrol into it. Suddenly after I ironically dropped a lit match onto the laptop just when I was supposed to submit my Master thesis on social mechanics and interpersonal quantum physics. Luckily though I managed to put out the blaze with a large axe and yet again save the population of this planet from near certain doom.

- Live er du jo ustyrtelig morsom, hva tenker du om komboen humor/musikk?

- I am always deadly serious. People just laugh because they can not concieve the sheer power of the universe, like I can. I’m telling you, it's bloody awesome! There's like, planets... and other stuff! Like those little lights!

Førstkommende Lørdag spiller Captain Credible på arrangementet Kennel Connects på Soria Moria i Oslo.

MER OM: Captain Credible-profil på Urørt

SE OGSÅ: Captain Credibles nett-eventyr

MER OM: Orangebox på Urørt

MER OM: Bokser og utstyr på Captain Credibles hjemmeside


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